
Sunday, May 25, 2014


I haven't written anything in this space for a very long time.

At one point this was essentially a training ground for writing, used frequently by my young self. A lot of the posts were...not the best. Immature, poorly researched, poorly written; everything that one would expect from a teenager's blog. I've since deleted or archived all the posts that were on here, on the basis that I'd like a fresh start.

So, what does that entail?

I plan to make this a space to post my thoughts regarding politics and current events, both global and domestic. I might also occasionally write book reviews about whatever I've just read, or maybe just thoughts that spring from that.

A bit about me. I'm a rising sophomore majoring in economics at a private college in southern Michigan, currently off for the summer. I've described myself as a libertarian and a classical liberal. I was a huge supporter of Ron Paul during his presidential runs, and currently a big fan of Congressmen Justin Amash and Thomas Massie, along with Senator Rand Paul.

I am a proponent of the Austrian school of economics. My favorite authors include Frederic Bastiat, Ludwig von Mises, and F.A. Hayek.

Anyways, I don't really know how this is going to pan out, or how frequently I'm going to post. If, for whatever reason, you've stumbled across this...enjoy.

- Horatio Aldunez

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